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"Mupsikud" (2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0rPG4O0aKA
Performance title accociates with lovely tiny habitats and also similar world "mupo" is for calling Tallinn Municipal Police men who are writing fines to everyone.

"artists monologue" 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPZLeFRgX0Q

Performance might be cryptic and very much misunderstandible. Just relax and listen to what I would be able to tell you. All questions and comments are welcome just after the performance ending. Prediction is that it is short, easy listening, filled of lots of funny tricks solo pease.

"bussipeatuse räpp" / "rap of the bus stop" 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-kopLSy3ko

In which meaning bus stop supposed to be good one? Public and private interests meet here.

performace video "minu maja"

Minu Maja - eesti sõnad kirjutatud vene tähestikus. See võib tähendada Saksa päritolu mõistet Heimat. Kui sellel kirjutisel on tähenduse varjund, siis venelastel kes Eestis elavad on Eestis ka oma Heimat.

Minu Maja – My House – estonian words are written in ciryllic alfabeth. It might mean Heimat. If the sense have political connotation here, then russians who live in Estonia have also their Heimat in Estonia.

Tegevuskunsti sündmuse "Woodoo eesti moodi" kaks videot. Kumbki video 6 minutit.
Esimene video on woodoo nuku tegemisest EKA maja viimasele peole, mis oli ette kavandatud poliitiline aktsioon. Olen siinjuures mõtteliselt seotud kaasaegse kunstis tuntud aktsionalistliku liikumisega. See oli mõeldud masohistliku vangerdussena kui protest Eesti kunsti ja laiemalt Eesti ühiskonnas süvenevatele tõrjemehhanismidele. Majandusliku surutise aegadel langevad ootused kunstimaailma alalhoiu instinktis kunstnikule kui üksik indiviidile. See ootus peegeldab kunstimaailma strukturaalset jõuetust. Tõrjeskeemide rakendumine süsteemsena toob kaasa kõrgemad ootused üksikindiviididele ja süvendab majanduslikust olukorrast tingitud puudujääki. Iga katse indiviidi poolt tema vastandumisel struktuuri survele näib absurdse ettevõtmisena, millel on vaid ähmane ja marginaalne tähendus ühiskonnas toimuvate muutuste taustal. Teine video on ülesvõte Kanuti Gildi Saalis festivali Made In Estonia Marathon 2010 raames toimunud tegevuskunsti etendusest.

Two videos of the performance "Woodoo in Estonian way". Each video duration is 6 minutes.
I made a puppet 19. Ferbruary 2010 to celebrate destruction of the old building of Estonian Academy of Arts. There is planned to build up a new house for the university. Once there were decided to broke down the old house. My performance is inspired by actionalistic movement and it qualifies as my political activity. In one side it is a masochistic protest against Estonian art and pressures from the Estonian society. In the other side, it was a reaction to the whole system that surrounds artists. In times of economical crisis is so contrastfully drawn the opposition between artist as individual and the so called art-world as a structure. Structure is functioning as the opressor here that affect individuals to be active without giving much support for them. I was projecting in this art peace some of the empty feelings. In this way I feel myself as an artist as a last warrior who mirrors of the so called art-world structural weakness. Every attempt that is made by individual artist has in that way only such kind of irrational characteristics. Its consequences might be seen in terms of idealistic and hopeful politics. People were celebrating the upcoming destruction of our old building of university. I walked with the puppet to the final party of the University’s old building and my walk was filmed. Soon after the walk I made the performance show with the recorded video from the univesity’s party. In this show I presented the contemporary dance theatre Kanuti Gildi Saal which location is also in Tallinn.

woodoo eesti moodi (youtube link)

performace "Uju!" "Swim!" Hobusepea Galeriis (2009) Rait Rosin, sound: Liisa Hirsch

dokumentaal film "korteri müük" documentary "sell" 14.30 min (2006)

Film ühe agulikorteri müümisest. Peategelasteks maakler, vanamees, papagoi ja hulk prügilasse rändavaid mälestusi.

A Film tells about selling the apartment from suburb. Heroes are broker, old man, parrot and a lot of memories which will go to junk.

dokumentaal film "Linz muutub?" documentary "Linz is changing?" "Linz verändert?" 17 min (2009)
Kas Linz kui Euroopa kultuuripealinn 2009 muutub? Kes muutust soovivad kas poliitikud, turistid või linnaelanikud? Film küsib kas kultuuripealinna staatus muudab linna sotsiaalset keskkonda.

Is Linz as the capital of culture 2009 changing? Wish that Politics, tourists or citizens? Film asking for as status of the capital of culture is changing social environment of town.

video "euro - alati vähevõitu" "euro always few" "euro - immer so wenig" 13 min (2009)

video "infoliini telefonist-operaator" 30. min (2009)

video-installation “Lihtsa elu staarid” "simple life stars?" 1. osa 10 min
2. osa 10.min video Rait Rosin & heli/sound Gerhard Lock (2008)

performance "Lummutis" "Ghost" Kanuti Gildi Saal, festival Made in Estonia Maraton 2008 (2008)
heli/sound Gavin Bryars (feat. Tom Waits) - Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet ; used poetry of F. G. Lorca

youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1qw0H2Gq4g

video "pühapäev" "sunday" 7 min (2006)

"Rahu Maa Peal" “Peace On Earth” 10’10’’ (2007)

Dokumentaalfilm "Rahu Maa Peal" jutustab loo vanast maadlejast Hugo Rätsep, kelle elu oli üsna kirju.

Documentary “Peace On Earth” tells us story about the old wrestler’s Hugo Rätsep colourful life. 
